Tuesday, August 8, 2017

QUSOMES: Fountain of Youth for the Skin or Anti Wrinkle scam?

What are QuSomes?

Relatively new on the anti-aging and skin care product market, QuSomes have not yet been the subject of any kind of substantial research. However, what is known about QuSomes so far comes straight from the manufacturer. QuSomes are intended to be a new sort of delivery system for anti-wrinkle creams, designed to create products that reach deeper into the skin and contain high concentrations of active ingredients.
 How do QuSomes work?

The technology of QuSomes relies on layers of ingredients. QuSomes can be described as microscopic water balloons, or bubbles, that are packed with the active ingredients of the anti-aging skin care product. The ingredients are layered in the QuSomes, alternating a layer of fat soluble ingredients with a layer of water soluble ingredients. As QuSomes are applied to the skin, the layers are absorbed one at a time. As each layer of these QuSomes are absorbed, the next layer is exposed, and, in theory, passed to a deeper layer of skin cells. In this way, QuSomes are supposed to deliver high concentrations of active ingredients to the specific layer of the skin where they would be most effective.

                                   Click her to buy QuSome Eye Repair

Benefits of QuSomes

QuSomes, according to information provided by manufacturers, contain an edge on standard anti-aging products in two ways. First of all, QuSomes are designed in such a way that the ingredients contained within are able to penetrate deeper layers of the skin than any other product. While the layered nature of QuSomes does sound different, there has yet to be any research supporting this fact, nor any indication that the layered feature of QuSomes makes any difference in how the skin reacts to the products. Secondly, QuSomes are said to contain higher concentrations of active ingredients. Again, research has not yet shown this to be true. In fact, the limited amount of research that has been done on QuSomes to date is extremely insubstantial compared to other quality anti-aging skin care products, making them a somewhat risky proposition.

Click here to buy QuSome Retino A

How do QuSomes affect anti-aging?

New developments in anti-aging skin care technology are being made all of the time, and QuSomes are an example of that. While many quality anti-wrinkle creams and serums exist, the addition of QuSomes, in theory, should make for more effective, more powerful anti-wrinkle creams. However, the truth about how QuSomes affect anti-aging skin care has not yet been shown. Layered bubbles with high concentrations of active anti-aging ingredients sounds like it should be effective, but until a significant amount of research has been conducted on the subject, it is impossible to say if QuSomes have a substantial effect on anti-aging, or if they have any significant effect at all.

Many anti-aging creams currently on the market, without QuSomes, contain well researched and proven ingredients designed to slow the signs of aging in a tested and powerfully effective way. While QuSomes undergo more research, selecting a quality anti-aging wrinkle cream is an already proven method for erasing the signs of aging, without included untested technology like QuSomes.

QuSome Technology
QuSome delivery allows active ingredients to become more efficacious and less irritating providing consumers with maximum product performance.

QuSome active ingredients are available with salicylic acid, AHAs, peptides, vitamins, botanical extracts, and synthetic molecules. Some manufactures also develop custom and exclusive QuSomes ingredients for specific customer needs.

Key Features
  • Spontaneous formation upon addition of water, without standard heating, cooling and agitation methods making it is easier to encapsulate active ingredients.

  • Achieves higher encapsulation of active ingredients than liposomes.

  • Can be used in higher concentrations due to the lower cost, enhancing encapsulation of the active ingredient.

  • Improves active ingredient performance through highly effective delivery.

  • Delivers a greater amount of the active ingredients to the skin as compared to conventional vehicles. 
QuSome Enhanced Encapsulation

                                              Improved Encapsulation
                              Comparative encapsulation % profile of CoQ10
                                        for 3 months at room temperature.

                       Topical Penetration Study - Penetration Equals Efficacy
                                          Improved Dermal Penetration

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Improve Your Health with Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a popular product that has been used in food processing and in several cleaning industries. Over the past ten or fifteen years, a growing number of people have advocated the consumption of diatomaceous earth due to its’ supposed health benefits.

Diatomaceous earth technically comes from the cell walls of fossilized single-cell diatoms – essentially, it’s a fossil, ground into a very fine powder. There are two general types of diatomaceous earth: food grade and industrial grade. While industrial grade is toxic to humans and pets, food grade diatomaceous earth is non-toxic and very beneficial on multiple levels, and is the type I’ll be discussing with you here today.

Diatomaceous earth exhibits some interesting properties

When viewed through a microscope, it looks like a hollow cylinder, with holes throughout the side.

 It carries a strong negative charge. If you’ll recall your science lessons, you’ll remember that negatively charged ions are attracted to positively charged ions.

Therefore, when taken internally, the diatomaceous earth attracts and absorbs positively-charged pathogens into its cylinder.  it absorbs the things we want to stay away from, like viruses, pathogenic fungi and bacteria, heavy metals, prescription drug residues, pesticides, parasites, radiation, and the like, and sweeps them out of our bodies.

Diatomaceous earth is also very hard. On a scale of “hardness”, if diamonds were a 9, diatomaceous earth would be a 7. This helps us too – as this powder makes its way through our digestive tract, it gently “scrubs” the packed-on residue we have there and sweeps it out of our bodies. Nice, diatoms!

Also, because of this quality, it is very sharp. Organisms such as parasites, lurking in our intestines, are sliced up and killed, and swept away when we empty our bowels, and we are left unharmed.

The last quality I’ll mention is also powerful: food grade diatomaceous earth is 84% silica, and contains some 20 trace minerals. Did you know life can’t exist without silica? It is essential for the building of healthy bones and teeth, skin, hair, and nails. As our mineral resources are getting depleted, our food is containing less and less silica.

While few studies are available, thousands of people from around the world claim that diatomaceous earth is legitimate. Most of the time, testimonies should be taken with a grain of salt but diatomaceous earth seems different.

Bundle: Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade 50 Lb with Applicator
Click here to buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth with applicator
Silica is The Key to Diatomaceous Earth

According to diatomaceous earth supporters, diatomaceous earth’s high concentration of silica supplies the body with the essential mineral that most humans do not consume enough of.

The benefits of silica are well-documented, although diatomaceous earth has to have something else powering it than simple silica.

Health Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth

The use of diatomaceous earth knows no bounds, and has many applications in cosmetic, agricultural, and cleansing realms. It’s been extensively investigated and some interesting benefits have been discovered.  Since it sweeps out foreign matter, you will begin to notice better nutrient absorption and less fatigue.

Studies show that DE can help your body lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. Believe it or not, some users report a 40-60 point drop in blood pressure points after only a month of use.

The beauty mineral . . . the silica in DE helps hair and nails grow faster.  There have been  many testimonies of people who have reported that it reversed their baldness.  silica also helps reduce wrinkles, age spots, and acne, and it also strengthens teeth and bones, tendons, and joints.

Metal detoxification: since DE sweeps heavy metals out of the body, this is helpful especially to those with heavy metal poisoning or mercury fillings, which leach mercury constantly into the body. Aluminum is also swept out, lowering the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Diatomaceous Earth Helps repair and maintain lung function, acts as a cough decreasing agent.

Diatomaceous Earth Helps prevent kidney stones and osteoporosis.

Diatomaceous Earth Decreases vertigo, tinnitus, and insomnia.

Diatomaceous Earth  Regulates bowel movements, lessens gastrointestinal inflammation, cleans out the colon, treats both diarrhea and constipation. It is a great choice for families on the GAPS diet.

Diatomaceous Earth Treats head lice and fleas,  but make sure you don’t inhale the powder.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is composed of approximately 85% silica.  This important, trace mineral is required by tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones.  The nutrient even contributes to almost every vital organ, including the heart, liver, and lungs. Food was the primary source of naturally-occurring silica before modern farming practices depleted the soil. It is suggested that only 1/3 of the silica we need is available in natural, plant-based foods.

Harris Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 8oz 

Diatomaceous Earth Promotes Skin Health

Because diatomaceous earth is a strong abrasive, it is often used as a toothpaste and facial exfoliator. The process of exfoliation is important in skin care as it helps to remove dead skin cells that may give the appearance of tired, worn-out skin. The product’s natural silica content is also necessary for healthy skin, teeth, hair, and nails, and the product is often touted as a potent beauty mineral.

Improves Joint, Bones and Ligaments Health

A 2007 study stated that dietary silicon is beneficial to bone and connective tissue and helps prevent low bone mass (osteoporosis), which is considered “a silent epidemic of the 21st century.” Silica within Diatomaceous Earth  helps with normal bone metabolism and joint formation, with evidence over the past 30 years suggesting there’s a positive association between dietary silicon intake and better bone mineral density.  Thus, Diatomaceous Earth  makes a great addition to any osteoporosis diet and treatment plan.

A number of possible mechanisms for how this works have been suggested, including the possibility that silicon helps with synthesis of collagen (used to form joints, the lining of the digestive tract and connective tissue) and within the mineralization of bones. While more research is still needed, it appears that Diatomaceous Earth  can be used to help support normal metabolic processes, preserve joint health and prevent bone disorders.

Diatomaceous Earth Supports Heart Health

Research has also shown that food-grade diatomaceous may offer positive benefits for cholesterol levels and encourage heart health. Nutrients such as silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, and other trace minerals are available in diatomaceous earth, giving rise to a practically endless supply of health benefits. Most of these nutrients play a role in building and repairing of muscles and bones.


 Diatomaceous earth Helps Purify Water

Diatomaceous earth is used in many filtration products, including the trademarked brand name Celite, because its chemical composition makes it a great filtration aid. It’s able to filter very fine particles that otherwise pass through or clog filter papers.

This makes it a common product used in water filters to help prevent tap water toxicity and also purification practices for fish tanks. Additionally it’s also important for manufacturing beer and wine, syrups, sugar, and honey without removing or altering their color, taste or nutritional properties.

A study found that diatomaceous earth helps kill viruses and purify drinking water. Viruses have been found to be dangerous and abundant in certain sources of drinking water, raising the risk for viral infections and having a significant impact on bacteria and algae populations in the ecosystem.

Researchers tested the effects of a filter containing Diatomaceous earth  on tap water that was contaminated with heavy metals and various viral strains. The results of the study showed that Diatomaceous earth  helped absorb up to 80 percent of the viruses present, including poliovirus 1, echovirus 5 and coxsackievirus B5, which were all present in tap water even after filtration.

Diatomaceous Earth is a Natural Pesticide

One of the most common uses for diatomaceous earth is as a natural insecticide. Studies indicate that this clay-like powder can kill the harmful insects that threaten crops and home life.  Due to the incessant use of pesticides, many insects have become resistant to chemical deterrents. This organic pest control method is helpful for reducing the amount of environmental toxins we’re all exposed to.

Click here to buy the Diatomaceous Earth Powder Duster pictured above

Diatomaceous Earth  is an Internal Cleanser

Diatomaceous earth acts as a mild abrasive topically as well as internally. It can help to remove intestinal invaders and other harmful organisms from the digestive tract. As an internal cleanser, diatomaceous earth may aid cleansing by supporting regularity and assist in removing toxic metals.  Some studies have shown diatomaceous earth to be very successful in ridding animals of harmful organisms. Food-grade diatomaceous earth placed in the feed of livestock may help discourage fleas and other harmful bugs.  Make sure that all diatomaceous earth is labeled “food grade” and is untreated and unheated!

It turns out, the shape of diatomaceous earth plays a role in a few of the benefits of diatomaceous earth.

You see, if you put diatomaceous earth under a microscope it you’ll find that diatomaceous earth has sharp edges – albeit not sharp enough to scratch our tough skin.

When humans consume diatomaceous earth, these sharp edges scrape away at plaque, digestive waste, and other toxins that slow down our body’s internal processes. This is why digestive benefits are often reported within a few weeks of use.

Scientific Studies of Diatomaceous Earth

Unfortunately, diatomaceous earth has not been used enough for there to be a large number of scientific studies. However, the studies that are available show that diatomaceous earth can strengthen bones, nails, and teeth, improve blood cholesterol levels, and improve digestion.

The good news is that more studies are currently underway and that we should know a great deal more about diatomaceous earth within the next few years.
Diatomaceous Earth is safe . . .

The good news for diatomaceous earth users is that is does appear to be very safe for human consumption. While safety precautions need to be taken for industrial grade DE, food grade DE is not nearly as potent and likely to cause respiratory issues. Still, if you are putting food grade DE on plants or for another purpose, it’s still a good idea to use eye and mouth protection.

As far as side effects go, well there are zero side effects. Diatomaceous earth users have reported zero serious side effects or minor side effects for that matter, most likely due to the purity of most food grade DE supplements. Therefore, if you were concerned about the side effects – don’t’ be.

To take diatomaceous earth, all you have to do is mix a spoonful into some water or other liquid, and drink. Follow with another cup of water. (Diatomaceous earth can make you thirsty  so make sure and drink plenty of water while using this supplement.) It’s that easy! You can also add it to smoothies.  it is totally undetected that way.

Dosage . . . NOTE: We are not doctors, please use DE with discretion.  If you are just beginning your diatomaceous earth journey, start with a teaspoon mixed in liquid, as I’ve detailed above, once a day. Slowly increase to twice a day, and then slowly increase the amount taken, up to a heaping tablespoon, and up to three times a day.

Please hear me: go slowly. Diatomaceous earth is a way to detox your body, and if you start with too much, your body will get rid of toxins too quickly and leave you feeling under the weather. Yes, it really does work that well! If you start experiencing light headaches, you’ll know you took it a little fast. But don’t stop altogether, just do yourself a favor and take it slowly. There is no need to rush.

Pregnant and nursing mamas, you’re in the clear.  diatomaceous earth can be safely taken during either stage. Just be sure to drink plenty of water. It is also fine for children to take in smaller doses.

How does it taste? Well, if you want to know the truth, you’ll feel like you just licked a mud puddle. Ha! Not that you’ve ever done that, but it just tastes… like dirt. Sometimes it is hard for me to get down, but I am so motivated by the positive changes it’s brought to my body!

Would you like to know my favorite way to take it? I mix a spoonful with about six ounces of coconut water and add 1/2 a teaspoon of honey.  it’s delicious! The honey is optional; it tastes great without it as well. You could also try taking it with fresh vegetable juice, whatever works for you.
Is Diatomaceous Earth  Legit or a scam?

While it would be a lot more comforting if there were more research studies available, diatomaceous earth still seems to be a legitimate supplement for a variety of reasons.

Plus, there seem to be zero side effects as the little research available claims it is safe along with the testimony of many users.

Therefore, we feel diatomaceous earth is a supplement to continue trying if you’re looking for a silica supplement or for a supplement to detoxify your body.
Some of the most popular diatomaceous earth uses include . . .   pet nutrition products. it is used in products used on dogs and cats to kill flees.    used in bed bug-killing treatments.    sprays and products used to kill bugs, including cockroaches, crickets, fleas, ticks and spiders.  Used in rodent sprays.  water filters.  skin care products. toothpastes.   foods and beverages, such as in beer and wine.  it is used in anti-caking and clarifying ingredients used in food manufacturing.  supplements and medicines.   rubbers and paints used in construction.    Diatomaceous Earth  is also used in abrasive products and as defoliators and for cleaning.

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