Sunday, January 29, 2017

Your Guide To Probiotics

Until the last 5-10 years, many people did not know what “probiotics” were. I certainly didn’t. They probably weren’t familiar with “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. They likely did not know the term “microbiome” or what actually was in their yogurt. But thanks to science (and some healthy marketing), probiotics are now fairly mainstream, which is a good thing.

What is probably most fascinating to me is that nearly all of us were taking antibiotics during this time – but we likely never stopped and wondered if there were good bacteria, too! Since I receive questions on a daily basis from clients about fermented foods and probiotics, I hope this piece will answer some questions that you may have. The science behind probiotics is increasing by the day, and recent research is even more interesting than the original finding that there was a very important link between our gut and brain!

Why Probiotics?

To start with – why should you consider probiotics? Your wallet doesn’t need to be emptied for something that won’t make much of a difference in your health. But probiotics are that rare supplement from which nearly everyone can benefit. Studies have shown that they help with a multitude of health concerns, such as healthy digestion, clear skin, healthy metabolism, improved mood, and even increased weight loss. Quite frankly, there is very little reason not to try a round of probiotic supplementation, and a long list of reasons why you may want to do so.

Going back to my earlier mention of antibiotics, think of your gut as having good and bad bacteria. And then realize that a poor diet, too much stress, not enough sleep and a lifetime of antibiotics have likely disposed of most of the good bacteria. This leaves you with the bad stuff, which may make you crave poor-quality foods, leave you depressed or  even with a face full of acne — which is why you need probiotics in your life!

Click here to buy your own Probiotics

What Are They?

Simply put, probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial to health. Since we are talking about gut health, your digestive system is obviously the most affected by probiotics — but the benefits don’t end there!  As researchers have noted, the enteric nervous system inside our stomach goes far beyond just processing the food we eat! Researchers in science are linking many different parts of the body to improved gut health, and the results go way beyond what anyone ever expected. The gut’s importance has surprised  even some of the most seasoned and imaginative scientists.


Certainly we all recognize how important optimal brain health is, but the gut is often referred to in the scientific literature as the second brain! This shows the vital importance of keeping your gut flora happy – and probiotics are made to do just that. In fact, science has shown, that probiotics modulate immune responses, provide key nutrients, and suppress the proliferation and virulence of infectious agents.

Can I Just Eat A Good Diet?

Undoubtedly, you can get a lot of beneficial microbes from an excellent Paleo diet. Vegetables are actually a good source of prebiotics – which help to feed our good bacteria. But fermented foods are what provide the actual good bacteria. However, unless you want to consume fermented foods like it’s your job – it’s much easier to supplement with a solid probiotic. Things to look for in a probiotic (which illustrate why fermented foods just aren’t quite as good) include strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, a very high count of bacteria (try to go higher than 5 billion) and a product that has been scientifically tested.
While fermented foods can be great, the sheer amount of foods you’d have to consume in order to get the same benefits from a probiotic makes this fairly improbable. One caveat to this recommendation would be if you have gotten your gut back up to an optimal level of health, and simply want to maintain that level.
Keep in mind that this means you’ll have to forego any antibiotics – unless you want to follow them up with a round of probiotics (which is what I recommend anyone do). The more we are finding out about the gut, the more interesting things become. We are also finding out that the gut has much more of an impact on our overall health than we had ever imagined!

Help For Your Brain

One of the most fascinating areas of probiotics falls into the supplement’s effects on our brain. Many studies have found that probiotics can overcome immune-mediated deficits in the gut-brain-microbiota axis. What does this mean in layman’s terms? It means that even simple, day-to-day psychological stress can impair this important axis (the signaling and interaction between our gut, brain and bacteria). And it also means that taking a probiotic can fix this problem!

Click here to buy your own Probiotics

So if simple everyday stress can interfere with brain and gut health, imagine how badly this axis is damaged when a poor diet, lack of sleep and many rounds of antibiotics are introduced into the picture! Interestingly, other studies have found that probiotics may help mitigate anxiety symptoms. In addition, new research shows that intake of probiotics may help reduce negative thoughts!

Help For Your Skin And Mood

Another interesting effect that probiotics can have is on skin health. In fact, three large studies linked dairy consumption and acne – but not fermented dairy and acne. Since acne is formed via bacteria buildup, balancing the bacteria in your gut is a very logical step to take if you’re looking to avoid it. Some studies have even used specific probiotic extracts and found they were successful at reducing acne!
Another study looked at the psychological benefits of probiotic supplementation. In this study, any of the 132 subjects who had more depressive symptoms at baseline saw significant improvement in mood after taking a probiotic. Interestingly, ancient cultures have been consuming fermented foods for thousands of years! Though they did not have science on their side, they saw anecdotal results, and thus continued the practice.
Scientists are clear in their writing — microbes (like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria) may also influence brain health via direct and indirect pathways. I’m not quite sure why the yogurt companies haven’t latched on to this bit of science to help them sell their product, but they may soon include this in their marketing.
If one wishes to really follow the Paleo concept, our ancestors had a wide variety of access to foods (honey, fruits, berries) that had been fermented naturally. Without microbial science, cultures still recognized how important these foods were.

Which One Should I Take?

This is the ultimate question, and one which clients will ask me on a daily basis. I personally recommend (as does Chris Kresser) that you take Prescript-Assist – which has been studied multiple times to work effectively. On top of that, Prescript-Assist offers 29 strains of symbiotic microflora, does not need to be refrigerated, is dairy and gluten free, and is made from soil-based organisms.
There was even a one-year study done on Prescript-Assist – which it passed with flying colors. That being said, the FDA does not regulate probiotics, so this is never going to be a surefire bet. As has been highlighted in the media, sometimes supplements are not what they seem. Two other good brands are Jarrow and Klaire Labs.

Click here to buy your own Probiotics

In The End…


Not to sound like a broken record, but a Paleo diet rich in vegetables, healthy fat and quality protein will cover a large majority of your gut health. The trick is adding back in the good bacteria that you may have lost along the way! That is part of why it is so important to have children consume a Paleo diet if at all possible – they likely will never lose their good bacteria!
I hope I have answered your questions about probiotics, and provided you with a large amount of information. Remember that the GI tract functions as a major immunological organ – don’t abuse it! A poor diet, constant stress and inadequate amounts of sleep will all harm your precious good bacteria.
Besides probiotics, you can check out the definitive guide to fermented foods, to help increase the good guys in your gut. Remember that avoiding inflammatory and disruptive foods is just as important as eating the right foods, so stay away from the gluten and processed foods! Here’s to good gut health!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Longevity, Weight Loss and Optimal Health From This One Natural Enzyme

Did you know there is an enzyme to help promote longevity and to lose weight? Those are just a few of the benefits of an enzyme that is abundant in specific foods.

The Master Cellular Switch AMPK,  is an enzyme found in every cell in our body. AMPK promotes longevity factors, such as cell renewal, reduced low-level inflammation, reduced storage of body fat including belly fat, balanced blood sugar, protection from disease and much more.

We lose this enzyme as we age combined with excess calorie intake and a lack of exercise creates a deficiency of AMPK. Numerous studies have been published on the importance of maintaining healthy levels of AMPK.

The benefits of increasing this critical enzyme cannot be overstated, especially if you are over 30. Research has shown that sufficient AMPK can:
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Extend life span in animal research
  • Release stored fat and fat production
  • Reduce fat cell inflammation and its weight gain effects such as belly fat
  • Create a healthier liver by reducing liver fat
The great news? When AMPK levels are sufficient, the negative health and weight effects are reversed and the potential to add quality years to your life.

Click here to buy your own AMPK

 To Naturally Increase Your AMPK Levels
  • Eat a Low Processed Carb Diet. Follow a diet that primarily focuses on high quality sources of protein and fat and incorporates healthy carbs in the form of fresh vegetables, roots veggies and fruits. 
  • This type of diet changes the source of energy from sugar to fat, which stimulates AMPK production on a regular basis.
  • Eat Foods that Stimulate AMPK. Grapefruit, garlic, curcumin or turmeric, and peppers.
  • Do Short Duration, High Intensity Workouts. The length of time is not important. High intensity interval training or short bursts of intense effort, which causes the heart rate to increase for a brief period are ideal to increase your AMPK.
It is important to note that vital processes in the body are dependent upon enzymatic activity. You can take an AMPK supplement and/or naturally increase it. Either way you are on the road to helping to increase longevity, increase energy, lose body fat and slow the hands of aging.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Exercise Reverses These Top Aging Symptoms


The best anti-aging medicine?  Exercise.  Regular exercise can not only help you feel fit, exercise can fight aging at the cellular level and mitigate or reverse its negative effects.  Feeling as if it may be too late for you?  There is great news: research shows that even if you start exercising later in life, it still has a powerful impact upon health and longevity.

A 2013 Harvard study found that exercise can be at least as effective as prescription drugs when it comes to the prevention of conditions such as heart disease, stroke or diabetes.  Even a lack of muscle is now seen, not as a side-effect of frailty or disease..but as a cause.

Exercise can help prevent the shortening of  our telomeres.  Exercise reduces the shortening, it lengthens and creates healthy telomeres.  Telomeres are essentially protective caps that are like bookends on the ends of our chromosomes which help protect our DNA. When our cells divide, and with each division, our telomeres naturally and gradually shorten.  This gradual shortening leads to the aging of the cell.  But the process can be accelerated by obesity, smoking, insomnia, diabetes, poor diet and other aspects of health and lifestyle.  When the telomere becomes too short and frayed, the cell dies (think faster aging).

Research has shown that exercise has anti-inflammatory benefits It has been found that, in general, people who  exercise have lower levels of inflammation, which is one way to help your body stay young –  as low-level inflammation hastens aging.  Low-level inflammation is the core cause of most illness, disease, faster-aging and weight gain.

Do something every day to challenge your body. Ensure you add activity to your daily life.  If you are sedentary, start out with small goals such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Research shows that even moderate exercise has powerful effects.  To reap the benefits, you must be consistent which means scheduling your exercise and honoring that time and day as you would a doctor appointment.

        7 Symptoms of Aging vs. the Benefit of Exercise

1.   Increased susceptibility to disease: Improves immune system function. 

2.  Loss of muscle and increased body fat: Aids in loss of fat and builds muscle

3.  Increased risk of a cardiac event (heart attack, stroke): Lowers blood pressure, improves           circulation, lowers cholesterol.

4.  Slowing of mental function and alertness: Improves reaction times, mental clarity and increases brain volume. 

5.  Insomnia: Improves quality of sleep.

6.  Depression: Relieves stress, improves self-esteem and outlook.

7.  Immobility and susceptibility to falls: Improves balance and coordination.

Many of the changes that people attribute to aging are actually caused by disuse. Using your body will keep it young.  All forms of exercise boosts mood and improves sleep, countering anxiety and depression. In addition, exercise improves reflex time and helps stave off age-related memory loss

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Avoid These Foods To Fight Inflammation

Knees ache?  Belly fat?   Aching joints and weight gain are just a few of the effects of low-level inflammation.  If you’re looking to improve your overall health and fitness level, definitely consider all the inflammatory foods you may be consuming.
There are 3 different types of inflammation.  The first is called acute inflammation.  Acute inflammation is a necessary form of inflammation because it helps us heal – without it, we essentially are sitting ducks, we would not be alive. Even though it may feel uncomfortable or painful, such as a sprained swollen ankle, a terrible sunburn or a cut on the finger, it all heals and goes away. I call acute inflammation ‘loud inflammation’ because it makes its presence known.
The next type of inflammation is called silent or low-level inflammation. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 people have low-level inflammation and do not realize it. This type of inflammation is the core cause of most illness, disease and faster-aging. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and many more. The key difference between these two forms of inflammation is that with low-level inflammation you can’t necessarily feel until symptoms or the condition manifests and it stays.  Acute inflammation you know very well it is there and.. it goes away.
The third type of inflammation is what I refer to as FatFlammation.  It is the core cause of weight gain – inflamed fat cells. Specific types of foods we eat dictate how our fat cells respond. A healthy fat cell releases stored fat – and unhealthy fat cell stores fat and holds on to it for dear life, never letting go.  Simply choosing the right foods such as blueberries or the spice turmeric, for example, will shrink belly fat cells by reducing and reversing the inflammation within the fat cell.
By incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods in your diet  and ideally at every meal, and equally important, avoiding foods which are known to promote inflammation, you will promote optimal health , weight loss success and feel better starting today.



Sugar is the number one inflammatory ‘food’ that not only creates weight gain, but can set one up for diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and now, research is showing an association between high blood sugar levels and Alzheimer’s disease.  Sugar causes inflammation alerting the body to send out extra immunity messengers called cytokines which also promote inflammatory belly fat.
Sugar in all forms such as candy, desserts, and more, powerfully promotes cellular inflammation.  What is even worse are so-called ‘healthy’ foods such as whole wheat bread, yogurt (including frozen yogurt) and granola are packed with sugar and folks are unknowingly ingesting added sugar.  Fruit juice, even though it is a natural product, is dense in fructose – the sugar that promotes belly fat and poor liver health. Whole fruit is just fine as it has fiber to slow down the release of sugar. Your liver is not only removing toxins from your body, but is your #1 fat-burning organ and thus needs to be healthy to impact weight loss success.

Cooking Oils

There are specific oils that people are cooking with that are promoting inflammation within the body.  These highly unstable, highly inflammatory oils were given the thumbs up by health organizations including the American Heart Association. We now now that oils such as: vegetable, corn, soy, canola or safflower oil are rich in omega 6 fat – all inflammatory oils, creating poor health and weight gain.  Additionally, we have a marked deficiency of omega 3 fat, whose role is to reduce inflammation, resulting in even more inflammation.  Swap out your inflammatory cooking oils for those that promote optimal health and reduce inflammation, such as:  extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil or coconut oil.


Refined Grains

A refined grain has been stripped of its fiber and nutrients. White breads, white rice, processed corn, crackers or pastas, and other foods that have been made with white flour (including enriched wheat flour), break down quickly into sugar in the body, and in turn lead to inflammation. A diet high in refined grains leads to a greater concentration of certain inflammation markers in the bloodWhen we eat processed or refined foods, these foods provide empty calories and the body is not equipped to handle these types of foods well and thus, inflammation and poor health develop.  Choose whole grain products as they are rich in nutrients, high in fiber and help to balance blood sugar.


High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a sugar, yes but deserves a section all of its own. HFCS  is a processed sweetener that is a highly inflammatory sugar that directly affects the liver. Unfortunately, HFCS is added to many foods such as sodas, breads, cereals, cookies, cakes and multiple condiments such as ketchup.  Eating a lot of fructose in general – a fruit sugar,  has been linked to obesity, weight gain, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cancer and chronic kidney disease.  HFCS is especially toxic due to its ability to threaten liver health, and  high fructose intake has also been shown to increase several inflammatory markers in humans.  Unfortunately, food manufacturers love this sweetener because it is cheap.
Consuming a diet high  high-fructose corn syrup drives inflammation that can lead to disease. It may also counteract the very beneficial anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids.


Fried Foods

Fried foods are foods that are overcooked or foods cooked at a high temperature such as french fries, fried chicken, charred grilled foods, blackened foods etc., that triggers an inflammatory response. Fried foods spark a chemical reaction in the body called glycation OR AGES – Advanced Glycation End Products. High tissue levels of AGEs are associated with almost all chronic diseases.  Glycation is essentially caramelization of the bodily tissue.
AGEs are produced when a protein binds and reacts with a glucose molecule, resulting in damaged, cross-linked proteins. As the body tries to protect you by breaking these AGEs apart, immune cells secrete large amounts of inflammatory chemicals.  Depending on where the AGEs occur, the result can be arthritis, cancer, heart disease, cataracts, memory loss, wrinkled skin or diabetes complications, to name a few.
Look at the ingredient list on food packages to ensure that the foods you eat do not contain these inflammatory ingredients so you can create optimal health and lose weight.  The quality of our diet dictates the quality of our health.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Home Remedies to Treat Wrinkles and Skin Aging

There would hardly be anyone who does not run the extra mile to delay aging of skin and appearance of wrinkles. There is no necessity to go for expensive treatments and procedures, for this purpose.

You have several simple home remedies that effectively address the issue. Here, you will read about 6 of the best remedies. Thus, continue to read and forget about wrinkles and skin aging.

    Olive Oil and Honey 

Click here to order your own Olive Oil and Honey
Olive oil comes packed with several key vitamins and is hence a highly dependable substance to fight wrinkles. In fact, in this remedy, you also have honey that perfectly complements the oil to beat the aging of skin.
Go ahead and start trying it from today! You will soon be amazed with the young look of your skin!
  1. Take 1tbsp each of olive oil and honey.
  2. Mix them together thoroughly.
  3. Now gently rub the mixture on the skin.
  4. Repeat it 2 times every day to rejuvenate the skin.

Click here to buy your own Fenugreek
Here, you have another reliable home remedy, fenugreek. The minerals and vitamins present in fenugreek ensure that your skin remains free of wrinkles and lines for a very long time.

  1. Take 1 cup of fenugreek seeds.
  2. Grind them to form a solid paste.
  3. Put this paste on the face.
  4. Leave it undisturbed overnight.
  5. Rinse your face using warm water, in the morning.
  6. Follow the process every day to see the desired result.



When combating skin aging is your priority, yogurt is an ingredient that you must not ignore. The high content of lactic acid that is there in yogurt leads to speedy regeneration of skin cells. Try this wonderful remedy today!

  1. Take ½ cup of yogurt.
  2. Directly spread it on the face.
  3. Wait for around 30 minutes.
  4. Wash off your face using cool water.
  5. Repeat this daily and you will be happy with the outcome. 
Apple Cider Vinegar

Click here to order your own Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is packed with strong astringent properties, which enhance the appearance of your skin by preventing/reducing formation of wrinkles. The vinegar maintains the proper PH balance of the skin, too.

  1. Take ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.
  2. Now take 1 spray bottle.
  3. Add the vinegar and water in the spray bottle.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Then spray the contents on your face.
  6. Gently rub the mixture on your face.
  7. Use this spray every day to prevent skin aging.

Papaya Mask

Click here to buy your own Papaya Mask
The list of anti-aging home remedies will be incomplete if a mention of the papaya mask is not made. The antioxidant effects of papaya are what that do the job for you. Hence, continue reading and help yourself.

  1. Take 1 ripe papaya and slice it into small pieces.
  2. Mash these pieces so that they become a fine paste.
  3. Spread the paste on your face.
  4. Leave it undisturbed for 20 minutes.
  5. Then rinse the face with lukewarm water.

Rose water, Lemon Juice and Glycerine

Click here to buy your own Papaya Fruit Extract
Rose water is a powerful astringent that enables the skin not to lose its firmness. Here, you combine rose water with two more substances that combat skin aging, lemon juice and glycerine.
  1. Take 2 tsp rose water and 1 tsp each of lemon juice and glycerine.
  2. Mix the 3 ingredients together properly.
  3. Dip 1 cotton ball in the mixture.
  4. Now slowly rub the cotton ball on the face daily, at bedtime.
Go for any of these tried and tested home remedies and stop worrying about wrinkles and aging of the skin. Please drop in a few lines on how this article has helped you.

Top Foods High In Omega-3s

The word ‘Omega 3’ is everywhere you look and there is a good reason for that.  Omega 3 fats have a very important role in our body – to reverse cellular inflammation.  Additionally, this healthful fat promotes weight loss.  Omega 3 fats can aid in the breakdown of fat while simultaneously reducing additional fat storage.  Further, Omega 3 fat improves and is required for brain health, cell membrane integrity, mood regulation and hormone production

Preventing or reversing inflammation is crucial as low-level inflammation is the core cause of most illness, disease, faster-aging and weight gain.  Populations such as the Okinawan in Japan, have a diet high in omega 3 fat are healthier and live longer.

Unfortunately, we have an imbalance of omega 6 and omega 3 essential fats -favoring omega 6.  Today we get about 25 times more omega 6 fat than omega 3 fat. This also renders omega 3’s anti-inflammatory effect essentially useless as the more omega 6 we ingest, the more inflammation we have. This is leaving us fat and sick.

The majority of folks are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids and are needlessly suffering from a multitude of symptoms such as: fatiguepoor memory, dementia, weight gain, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation. It is important to have the proper ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet.  Eliminate junk foods, pre-packaged foods, grain-fed meats and poultry, cooking oils such as corn oil, vegetable oil, canola oil and soy oil. Simply eliminating these foods and adding foods rich in omega 3, will easily reduce low-level inflammation and help create optimal health.

Foods rich in omega-3s


Salmon – Wild Caught

Click here to order your own Wild Salmon


Click here to order your own Sardines


Click here to buy your own Mackerels


Click here to buy your own Herring

Bluefin Tuna 

Click here to buy your own Bluefin Tuna

Flax Seeds 

Click here to buy your own Flax seed

Hemp Seeds

Click here to buy your won Hemp Seeds


Click here to buy your own Walnuts

Chia Seed

Click here to buy your own Chia Seeds

Goose Egg

Click here to buy your own Goose Egg


Click here to order your own Spinach Powder

 Grass Fed Beef

Click here to buy your own Grass Fed Beef
 There are many other foods that can add valuable omega 3 fat to your diet such as nuts and seeds, pastured eggs, grass-fed dairy, and veggies such as kale, cauliflower, purslane or brussel sprouts and fermented soybean.  Always opt for wild-caught fish over farm-raised fish as the farm-raised is high in omega 6 fat will promote inflammation.

I recommend 3,000 – 4,000 mg. of omega 3 fat daily.  If this is challenging, consider a quality, potent and purified omega 3 supplement that is powerful, anti-inflammatory and will promote optimal health.  The 2 numbers that count are the amounts of EPA and DHA – the 2 active fatty acids in fish oil.  Ideally, strive for a total of one gram of omega 3 fat daily

Anti-Aging Oils For A Younger Skin

Although there are numerous anti-aging products available in the market, most of them are expensive and include harmful chemicals that will damage your skin if you use in a long time. Instead of relying on these beauty products, why don’t you try using natural anti-aging oils? In this article, I will show you a few anti-aging oils that help to give you a younger skin. Let’s check them out!!

Jojoba Oil

Click here to buy your own Jojoba Oil
Not only does jojoba oil give anti-aging benefits but it also is considered one of the hydrating oils. This oil contains various vitamins, such as C and E, which help to speed up the rapid regeneration of skin cells for a firm and smooth skin. It is also effective in diminishing age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and other common signs of skin aging.
Besides, jojoba oil is also an emollient that moisturizes your skin and prevents the irritation and rough patches on the skin, which are often occurred on an aging skin. This oil has a non-greasy texture, so it is used on all skin types, including acne-prone and sensitive skin.
  • Simply, mix jojoba oil with an equal amount of another massage oil such as almond oil. Then, massage your skin with this oil mixture after taking a shower or bath. Repeat this way for once daily.
  • Or, if you use an anti-aging face pack or mask, you can also add several drops of this oil to it.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Click here to buy your own Pomegranate Seed Oil
Pomegranate seed oil is one of other anti-aging oils for a younger skin and also a part of a natural remedy for skin cancer. You can also use this oil as an ingredient for your own serum recipe. In addition, pomegranates are related to anti-aging, and the pomegranate oil is the most strong form of it for anti-aging. This oil has a dark red color, which is due to the presence of bioflavonoids in pomegranates. This dark color also helps to protect your skin from the sun damage. If you get sunburn after going the outside, apply pomegranate seed oil to your skin. It contains a natural SPF levels and can be used as a great sunscreen and sunblock.
Besides, this oil also contains anti-inflammatory, healing, and antimicrobial properties that aid in supporting the skin health. You can use it on your face and the entire body. It is absorbed very quickly and offers the moisturizing effects to all skin types.
Use cold-pressed pomegranate oil to massage your skin regularly for once per day.

Almond Oil

Click here to buy your own Almond Oil
Another type of oil that slows down the aging process and removes wrinkles is surely almond oil. The vitamin E and vitamin K present in this oil are very beneficial in regenerating the skin, maintaining skin elasticity, and improving better blood circulation.
According to a study in the NTCP (Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice) in 2010, the almond oil contains the emollient properties that help to rejuvenate and soften your skin, thus improving skin complexion and tone. In addition, this oil is a natural ultraviolet blocker, which makes it ideal for those who have to spend many hours in the sunlight.
Also, in a study in the Jnl of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2007, applying almond oil topically can prevent the skin damage caused by ultraviolet irradiation as well as reverse damage that have already occurred.
  • After taking a bath, massage sweet almond oil on your skin for once per day to slow down the effects of aging. This oil is mild and hypoallergenic, so it is very safe for those who have a sensitive skin.
  • Or, you can apply some drops of warm almond oil beneath the bottom eyelids before bedtime to get rid of wrinkles and dark circles under your eyes.
  • For internal intake, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil to a glass of warm milk and then drink it daily. Or, drizzle it on salads or mix it with your smoothie.

Coconut Oil

Click here to buy your own Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains vitamin E, an antioxidant that makes it among the excellent anti-aging oils for preparing an anti-aging serum. Coconut oil also contains medium-chain triglyceride lauric acid, which is known to be the healthiest oil for the skin & body.
Besides, coconut oil also helps to reduce a few common signs of skin aging and strengthen the epidermis against cellulite, which can fade away stretch marks and remove keratosis pilaris. This oil is also a natural sunscreen, so it can be used to protect your skin from the sun damage without using other harmful chemicals.
  • Simply, use coconut oil to massage your body after taking a bath or shower. This helps the skin to retain its moisture. Repeat this method daily.
  • You can also combine coconut oil and granulated sugar together to make a body scrub. Use it to gently exfoliate the skin for once per week.
  • Also, add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to your daily diet to prevent diseases related to age and keep your body healthy. 

Rosehip Seed Oil

Click here to buy your own Rosehip Seed Oil
Rosehip seed oil is most famous for its high content of vitamin A, also called all-trans retinoic acid. This vitamin is known for its ability to relieve the depth of wrinkles, lighten age spots, fade away fine lines, and promote the healing process of damaged skin by stimulating the growth of new cells and production of collagen. This oil also contains essential fatty acids such as omega-3 linoleic acid and omega-6 linolenic acid that are very effective in improving the skin appearance, elasticity, and texture. In addition, because it is lighter in weight compared to many other botanical oils when used on the skin, it is perfect for people who want to get a flawless skin without the appearance and feeling of an oily skin complexion.

 Argan Oil

Click here to buy your own Argan Oil
Argan oil contains fatty acids that aid in fighting free radicals and offer anti-aging benefits. It also contains vitamin A and vitamin E that help to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and age spots. It is very effective in keeping your skin moisturized and improving the skin elasticity. Besides, it even protects your skin from the oxidative damage from ultraviolet rays.
According to a study in the Clinical Interventions in Aging in 2015, topical application and/or daily intake of argan oil give an excellent anti-aging benefit to your skin, demonstrated by improving the skin elasticity. This oil is absorbed by the skin quickly without leaving the residue of oil on it. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for all skin types, such as oily and sensitive skin.
  • After cleansing your skin thoroughly, apply some drops of argan oil to the skin and then gently massage it in circular motions. Repeat this method daily before going to sleep.
  • Or, you can also add 2 teaspoons of culinary argan oil to your daily diet. Its nutty flavor will add the richness to your savory and sweet dishes.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Best Natural Anabolic Supplements

Obviously, most of us want to get the maximum efficiency out of our exercises. To this end, we delved into the depths of the fitness world, through medical journals, fitness magazines, forums, and more, to find out what actually works.

More importantly, we wanted to figure out what works in each step of the journey to fitness. With all the protein powders (even new ones like bone broth protein) to all of the new preworkout and postworkout products flooding the market, it can be very difficult in deciding which are the right dietary supplements you need that are both safe and effective without breaking the bank.

Certain compounds are simply more effective for those already in shape, while others are more beneficial for getting in shape.

Conflicting information about various supplements, diets, and routines are everywhere, so we made it our duty to sort the fact from the fiction to bring you a list of the things that you need to be the very best you can be.
A lot of the substances advertised or recommended through various sources contain ingredients, such as whey protein, which are nearly universally recommended, but the same sources often misunderstood or flat out didn’t know why these substances work the way they do.

Rather than throw out our list of the “best” or the “most explosive” compounds, we thought you might want to know why we recommended each one. So we took the time to find the scientific evidence to support even the boldest claims.

The following supplements are what we found most supported by the science and the results, and we hope they help you in your journey to health and fitness success.

 We’ve separated them into a few different categories, based upon their primary benefit to your health, but many of these have benefits that transcend their categories to promote your overall health and well-being.

 Many pre-workout mixes contain several or even all of the ingredients which folow, and can be a great addition to any supplement or exercise routine.

 A pre-workout mix is a combination of various supplements designed to give you the best results from your workout.

The specific formula of a pre-workout mix and the levels of each supplement vary greatly from mix to mix, but their general idea is the same: to improve your power, endurance, performance, and recovery to provide you with the ultimate boost to your exercise routine.

In general, a pre-workout mix will come with several of the ingredients on the following list , but some will skip important ingredients in order to reduce cost or reduce complexity of the mix. A product that does not contain all of the listed ingredients which follow may still work as an incredibly reliable addition to your workout regimen.

We found several mixes that were of high quality and in good standing with their communities of users and researchers. There were so many, in fact, that we weren’t able to choose just one to suggest here. Instead, we’ve decided to list the ingredients for you, and their benefits, so that you can make the most educated, well-researched decision for yourself as to which pre-workout mix and supplement you want to take to reach your fitness goals.

You can take a look at our evolving health guide on pre-workout and post-workout supplements here.

 Fat Burning Supplements

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The first group of supplements we wanted to address is the most ubiquitous to all of us who seek greater levels of confidence and fitness: fat burning supplements.

While there are several drugs and medicines available that focus on weight loss through avenues such as hunger suppression, both over-the-counter and available with a prescription, we instead wanted to focus on supplements that would allow you to lose fat, rather than just lose weight.

The distinction here is important, as weight loss from crash diets or diet pills can just as often be weight lost from the muscles and bones losing nutrients, or even just from losing stored water.

Losing muscle or bone mass is not only dangerous for your health, it is counter-productive to improving overall health and well-being. It can also lead to issues with confidence when the weight drops, but the fat remains.

Green Tea and Green Tea Extract.

Click here to buy your own Green Tea Extract

As we have talked about in our other videos, green tea and green tea extract can be a powerful addition to any weight loss routine. Most notably, though, is that green tea and green tea extract don’t promote the type of dangerous water-weight or muscle-weight loss that other dietary supplements can promote in the interest of quick results. They instead work by improving the body’s base rate of releasing fat from fat cells.

The catechines in green tea literally work with the body to improve the rate at which fatty acid is released, which can drastically improve weight-loss, promote the use of fat as a fuel over protein or carbohydrates (compounding the fat-loss benefits), and improve your base metabolic rate. Green tea is one of the greatest, most easily-available compounds you can add to your daily routine to really produce noticeable results in fat-loss and health improvement.

Energy & Power Boosting Supplements.
Click here to buy your own Energy and Power Booster

If your goal is to burn fat and look your best while also improving your overall health, it is important to make sure that you have the energy needed to complete the exercises to the best of your abilities.

Crash diets and fad diets often leave you feeling tired and fatigued, even when doing only moderate to light exercises. This can make it difficult to get the results you truly desire. Along with eating right and getting enough sleep, you can supplement your diet with the compounds on this list to improve the energy and power you have to get through the day.

Some of these compounds, such as caffeine, you may already be familiar with, and even already supplement unintentionally with coffee or soda. Others will be new to you and your routine.

This list was designed with your health in mind, and we want to make sure that you have access to the safest, most reliable supplements to truly get the most from everything you do. Whether you prefer cardio exercises or strength-building exercises, these substances will give you the extra boost you need to meet and exceed your goals.


Click here to buy your own Caffeine Capsules

Everyone enjoys a nice morning cup of coffee to start their day and improve their overall wakefulness, mood, and energy. This same compound found in every morning cup of Joe (even slightly so in decaf!) can help you improve your performance in the gym, or wherever you prefer to get your workout on!

Studies indicate that caffeine can greatly improve your perception of exercise as well as reduce your fatigue when exercising. This allows you to improve your performance and get the most out of every session.
Obviously, some people are more susceptible to the effects of caffeine, based on their frequency of use and amount. What this means in that the perfect amount of caffeine for your daily routine, assuming you have a cup or two of coffee every day, may be significantly higher than someone who doesn’t drink coffee.
Pre-workout supplements often include a dose of caffeine to ensure that you get the most out of your workout, but feel free to accompany the supplement with a little extra kick if you feel that you need it.
Caffeine has also been shown to have potential benefits in the prevention of diseases such as Parkinson’s, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. Certain negative side-effects can be seen with extreme dosages of caffeine, but the dosages required to reach dangerous levels are equivalent to drinking nearly 100 cups of coffee in a single day, or approximately 10 grams of caffeine.

If you do your workouts at night, especially if you work out shortly before going to bed, you may want to reduce the intake of caffeine. The effects can last several hours and can make it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep.

Chronic use of caffeine at high doses can lead to a minor dependency, with side-effects including headache and irritability.

If you miss a workout or a cup of coffee and begin to feel these effects, you may want to cut back on the caffeine or increase your water intake to help offset the increased metabolic functionality caused by caffeine, which is often the cause of these symptoms.

Another option for caffeine intake, as mentioned a bit before, is to switch your morning cup of coffee for a few cups of green tea. Green tea contains those catachines that are so beneficial to your health, but it also contains about 1/3rd of the amount of caffeine of a cup of coffee.
For those seeking the health benefits of caffeine who don’t enjoy coffee or who prefer to spread their caffeine intake throughout the day, green tea (or green tea extract) makes a perfectly suitable alternative.

Click here to buy your own Beta-Alanine

Beta Alanine is a nonessential amino acid that converts to carnosine when ingested. When additional carnosine is present in the bloodstream (over and above what the body “needs” to function normally) it serves to help balance PH levels in the blood during extraneous workouts.
By providing your body with an additional source of carnosine and balancing the blood’s PH levels, one can improve their endurance and longevity in the gym without adversely affecting the health of the muscles or other systems in the body.
If you work out regularly, and if your workouts are sufficiently intense, your body’s natural beta-alanine and carnosine levels will most likely be significantly higher than a person who does not.
This is the body’s way of adjusting to your new “normal” activity level. Even after your body has adjusted however, the supplementation of additional beta-alanine can improve endurance, reduce muscle fatigue, and improve the overall quality of your workouts.

Click here to buy your own Creatine

Creatine is a composite of 3 amino acids (glycine, arginine, and methionine) found naturally within the body that is responsible for a number of tasks.
Most notable for exercise, muscle-building, and weight loss is creatine’s ability to regenerate the molecule known as ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, which is the main source of energy for your body.
During physical exercise, such as running, weight lifting, or even yoga, ATP is consumed by your body to produce energy for your muscles. As you burn ATP, your body then uses up its stores of creatine to produce more ATP. When your body runs out of creatine, it is no longer able to produce ATP at nearly the levels necessary to continue the exercise. Because of this, you become fatigued, and must cease the exercise.
The primary benefit from creatine supplementation comes when the body is saturated with its full potential load of creatine. For most people, a supplementation of about 5-7 grams per day is advised to build up to and maintain saturation levels. For those more active, larger, or smaller, a different dose may be ideal. Fortunately, studies have shown that even at twice the recommended dose, creatine supplementation does not adversely affect the kidneys or other internal organs or processes within the body.

For those supplementing creatine, the most noticeable immediate result will probably be the increased energy or the increased water retention. The increased energy, as we’ve talked about, is due to the increased availability of ATP, but the water retention is something that may come as a surprise to those looking to creatine as an aid in their weight loss regimen. Fortunately, this water-retention is primarily focused within the muscles, where the excess cellular hydration can actually work to improve protein synethesis, thus building more muscle. This can also cause the muscles to swell slightly, making them appear larger and fuller.
Many people will claim that taking creatine either before or after a workout is better than the other, but studies have shown that the benefits to taking creatine are primarily in the saturation of the muscle tissue, and so the time that one takes the supplement is irrelevant, so long as they are absorbing a full dose and maintaining the levels over time.

Some will also indicate that creatine “cycling” is beneficial to those taking the supplement. “Cycling”, in this case, means to take the recommended dosage for a number of weeks (usually 4-8 weeks depending on who is presenting the information) and then cutting creatine supplementation for a similar period of time.
The reasoning behind the idea of “cycling” is that the human body tends to develop coping mechanisms to deal with changes in environmental factors, such as supplementation. The goal of cycling is to “trick” the body into its previous state (before creatine supplementation) so that it does not become partially or wholly immune to the increased dosage.
In reality, studies on the benefits of creatine “cycling” have shown that the benefits are mostly negligible, and so long as the stored amounts of creatine remain at or near capacity, the benefits of creatine will continue to be realized.
Some programs recommend that those supplementing creatine forward load their creatine by taking a much higher dose of creatine for the first few days (up to a week) in order to saturate the body more quickly.
After loading up on creatine, the same 5-7 gram dosage is used to maintain the saturated levels within the body. The benefit of forward loading creatine in a routine is that the body will reach the saturation point more quickly than if beginning at the normal 5-7 gram dosage, but the long-term benefits remain identical whether forward loading or not.
Many pre- or post-workout mixes will contain all or some of your daily recommended dosage of creatine, but for those seeking to maximize their benefits, be sure to check to see if it might require additional supplementation to reach optimum levels.

Creatine is great to include in your pre-workout mix to get the absolute most out of your workout. By including it within a mix, you can ensure that you are getting a nice boost of energy that will last all throughout your workout, you are combining it with the other supplements on the list to help maximize their absorption into the body, and you can help jump start your metabolism.
One important thing to note when purchasing creatine supplements is to be wary of any liquid product claiming to contain the recommended dosage of creatine. Creatine degrades in water, and so any product claiming to contain an appropriate dosage of creatine in a liquid base is likely to have contained that dosage when produced, but will contain very limited amounts by the time of consumption.
We’ve already explained the process by which it helps to produce greater energy and more explosive workouts, but the fact that it does all of this and helps to keep you going into every last repetition warrants it an extra spot on the list.
This is truly one of those supplements we talked about that transcends the barriers of our sorting system, so if you skipped to this section seeking bigger, more powerful muscles, you’ll want to make sure you’ve read through the energy and power-enhancing section, as well.
The quickest way to build the biggest, most satisfying muscles is to make sure you are getting the most out of your workout. Beyond that, creatine also serves to increase water-retention in the muscles, which can make them look bigger, feel fuller, and make sure they are well-hydrated to get the most out of your workouts.


You may click here to buy your own Taurine

Taurine is a non-essential amino acid, also known as a conditional amino acid. This means that it can be produced in the body in the pancreas given the right diet. Taurine is a pretty common component of most energy-boosting drinks and snacks, as it supports neurological performance, regulates the levels of water and minerals in the blood, and has antioxidant properties.

Taurine is believed to improve athletic performance as well, especially when combined with caffeine, but studies haven’t been conclusive on the issue as of yet. Studies have shown that taurine is effective for use as a medicine for congestive heart failure, high cholesterol, ADHD, epilepsy, liver disease, and more, making it a powerful addition to your daily supplement routine.

The largest concentrations of taurine in the body are in the brain, heart, eyes, and red blood cells. Taurine is necessary in the development and maintenance of skeletal muscle, the eyes, and the brain, as well as for cardiovascular function.

In addition to all this, taurine acts as an antioxidant in the body, preventing free radicals from damaging the DNA and cellular structures.

Muscle Building Supplements 

These supplements are designed to give you the muscle-building power you’ve always dreamed of. We’ve compiled this list based upon the desire to build big, powerful muscles that not only look good, but feel good as well.

Muscle-building supplements serve an important function within the body, by providing the fuel and resources the body needs to prevent the body from reverting to the natural process of breaking down proteins for energy.

As the body gets tired or requires nutrients, it will break down various tissues in the body for energy and nutrients, and muscles are high up on the list of tissues to prioritize, even above fat in certain cases. Taking these muscle-building supplements will ensure that your body retains all the resources it needs to get the absolute maximum potential from each and every repetition.

Whether your goal is to get the six-pack abs you always wanted, to join body-building competitions, or just to feel more attractive and desirable, these are the supplements for you.

Whey Protein 
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Protein is one of the major building blocks of the human body, and is important to every single cell in the body. Some cells require more protein than others for proper maintenance and construction, such as muscles, cartilage, bones, and skin. Other parts of the body, such as hair and nails, are almost entirely made of protein, and therefore require even more protein to develop and maintain.

Your body further uses protein in the production of enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals in the body.

The body does not, unfortunately, store protein in the way that it stores fat or carbohydrates, and therefore the supply of protein must be readily available through consumption of foods high in protein (or protein supplements) in order to keep the body running smoothly. Protein is readily available in meats, such as steak or fish, but these sources often come with extra nutritional “baggage”, such as an excessive amount of saturated fat.

Furthermore, not all protein sources are equal, as even in supplement form there are different sources of protein which can vary in their ease of digestion, amino acid capacity, and purity.

Whey protein contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it one of a few “complete” proteins readily available.

Whey protein supplements, however, come in various forms and purities. Before you buy them, you should consult their label to verify the amount of protein you are getting per serving. Some dietary whey protein supplement brands also include extra sugars or flavorings to improve the taste of the whey protein, which can affect the caloric value of the protein in each serving and decrease the value of the protein as a dietary supplement, depending on your other nutrition.

Be sure to check the label for added chemicals and other supplements within the powder, as you may need to adjust your intake of other supplements to offset the increased dosage from the powder.

Whey protein probably won’t be in your standard pre-workout mix, at least not in dosages that you’ll want to get the most from your workouts. This is one of the supplements on this list that we recommend acquiring separately.

Depending on your daily activity levels and your desired results, your daily recommended intake value for protein can vary greatly, so it is difficult to recommend an amount. Most sources for building muscles and physique recommend about 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

This means that protein will, in most cases, be your highest daily amount of any supplement. But this is normal, especially if you are trying to lose weight (fat) without losing too much muscle mass.

There are literally hundreds of whey protein supplements on the market that we could recommend, but each contain nearly an identical product. One important thing to note is that powders that advertise themselves as whey protein isolate contain a much more purified form of the protein (up to 90% pure), meaning that there is virtually no lactose and very few carbohydrates in the mixture.

For those that are lactose intolerant or who are seeking to minimize their carbohydrate intake, it is recommended that you stick to an isolate. For those who can tolerate lactose or who aren’t as concerned with the carbohydrates in whey protein (the amounts of each will be listed, so it is fairly simple to account for the carbohydrate amounts if you are dieting), a whey protein concentrate may be the better decision.

This will digest slower, allowing you to feel full longer. Concentrates also typically cost significantly less than isolates, generally speaking.

For those seeking to lose weight quickly without sacrificing muscle-mass, a high protein and low carbohydrate diet can induce a state within the body known as ketosis, in which the body converts from burning carbohydrates as its main fuel source to burning fats.

By supplementing whey protein and cutting carbohydrates in your diet, you can induce ketosis yourself, which is essentially what a keto or ketogenic diet is seeking to do.

Be vigilant when using this method, though, as the buildup of too many ketones in your system can cause your body to become acidic.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids  
You can click here to buy your own Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a division of amino acids found naturally in any protein-rich foods. The function of BCAA supplementation is to prevent the onset of serum decline in the body’s BCAA count, which occurs during exercise and is responsible for the influx of tryptophan and serotonin in the brain.

This is part of what causes fatigue during exercise.

Those who ingest the entirety of their daily protein from natural sources, such as meats and eggs, may not require additional supplementation of BCAA, but those who supplement their protein intake with protein supplements should be sure their supplements contain these vital amino acids.

BCAA supplementation has been shown to prevent both physical and mental fatigue during and after aerobic exercise in scientific studies BCAA supplementation has also shown promise in improving fat oxidation, weight loss, reaction time, processing accuracy, and endurance. BCAAs are made up of three different amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which each serve a unique purpose in the body.
Leucine . . .

Leucine is the primary BCAA responsible for the desirable effect of muscle building. It works by activating a protein (mTOR) which causes the body to undergo muscle protein synthesis, thus working to repair and build new muscle tissues. Leucine is sometimes taken by itself, rather than in a mix of the three BCAAs. Its effects are more pronounced and more heavily studied than that of the other two BCAAs.

Leucine also acts in the blood stream to reduce blood sugar. However, its effects in stimulating muscle protein synthesis also indirectly result in reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, so those with diabetes or at risk for diabetes should not consider leucine as a potential cure for high blood sugar. Fortunately, the other two BCAAs (isoleucine and valine) also help in regulating blood sugar. Leucine has also been shown to benefit the reduction of fat, weight loss, lean mass gains, and overall power of those taking it.

You can click here to buy your own Isoleucine

Isoleucine also has some effect on the induction of muscle protein synthesis; though its effect is lower than that of leucine. Instead of focusing on muscle protein synthesis, isoleucine is focused primarily on the significant increase in the usage of glucose during exercise and the uptake of glucose into the muscle cells. Isoleucine also functions to help break glucose down into energy within the muscle cells, providing an even more efficient release of energy. This release of energy and increased uptake of glucose serves to not only improve the strength, endurance, and effectiveness of your workouts, but also to improve muscle-building, recovery time, and muscle health.

Isoleucine is most effective for enhancing performance if it is taken before a workout, but its effects can be severely limited if the body does not have access to enough carbohydrates to convert to glucose for the muscles. For those on a low-carb diet, or especially those on a ketogenic diet, it is recommended that a carbohydrate supplement is taken with isoleucine to help provide the body with the fuel isoleucine craves. Something as simple as a protein shake with an added scoop or two of masa harina (a Mexican corn flour which is high in niacin, dietary fiber, protein, and iron) can make the difference between moderate and exceptional results.

You may click here to buy your own L-valine

Valine is the last of the three branched-chain amino acids. As far as muscle-building benefits go, valine is the least productive of the three BCAAs. However, the body can only process so much of each BCAA, so it is recommended for muscle-building, endurance, and performance nonetheless.

Furthermore, valine works to help support the body during exercise and dieting more effectively than either leucine or isoleucine in regards to beneficial effects towards insulin resistance. Because of this, as with all supplements, those with or at risk for diabetes should be aware of their blood glucose and insulin levels, and should watch them more carefully when beginning a diet, supplement regimen, or exercise regimen.

As always, if there are any concerns, you should consult a doctor for testing to be sure, but, generally speaking, valine is safe for everyone to use.

You can click here to buy your own L-Glutamine

Of all the supplements on this list, glutamine is probably one of the most important. This naturally-occurring amino acid is the most abundant free amino acid in your body, and it is used in several major cellular processes.

Amino acids are the building-blocks of proteins, and glutamine in particular makes up about 60% of skeletal muscle tissue. Glutamine is produced primarily by your muscles for distribution (via the blood) to a number of organs within the body. Your muscles produce nearly 90% of the body’s naturally occurring stores of glutamine. Glutamine is one of the major nitrogen-transporting substances within the body.
It is responsible for the majority of nitrogen transportation to the muscles and for nearly 1/3rd of all nitrogen used by the body’s vital organs. Nitrogen is vital for the human body, as it is used in the production of proteins for the muscles, skin, blood, hair, nails, DNA, enzyme production, and more. Nitrogen is also used in the repair of cells and the production of new cells in the body, such as in the repair of a wound or in the process of repairing and building muscle mass.

Glutamine deficiency is one of the major causes of the drastic loss of muscle tissue seen in patients going through cancer chemotherapy, radiochemotherapy, and those suffering from HIV/AIDS.

In times of stress, such as recovering from a medical procedure or when performing high-intensity exercises, your body will consume a great amount a glutamine in order to benefit from the nitrogen it stores and for glutamine’s role in the processes of metabolism, anti-catabolism, cell volumizing, human growth hormone secretion, glutathione synthesis, fueling cellular defense mechanisms, fueling enterocytes responsible for the functionality of the intestinal barrier, the proliferation, function, and maintenance of immune cells, and providing energy for cells throughout the body.

Catabolism is the process of breaking down complex molecules in order to produce energy for the body. If the body enters a catabolic state, it will break down muscle fibers for energy, thus causing cachexia, or muscle wasting. In order to prevent and even reverse cachexia, glutamine supplementation can help the body focus on catabolizing fats instead of muscle tissues, ensuring that your weight loss remains more fat loss than muscle loss, even during a cutting period.

Glutathione synthesis is the production of glutatione, which acts as an antioxidant in the tissues of the body, deters redox signaling, supports immune function, and more. It is a vital chemical within the body, and glutamine supplementation helps to support its production.

This improves the health of the intestines, the metabolic system, the immune system, and more.

Glutamine is actually used medically to treat the side effects of procedures such as chemotherapy (including but not limited to diarrhea, mouth pain, mouth swelling, and nerve pain), improve the well-being of people recovering from traumatic injuries, prevent infections in those considered critically ill, improve the recovery of bone marrow transplant patients, treat stomach ulcers, treat ulcerative colitis, treat Crohn’s disease, treat depression, treat insomnia, treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), treat sickle cell anemia, and support alcohol withdrawal during treatment for alcohol dependency.

Glutamine supplementation is widely-regarded as being completely safe for use for people of all ages. Even extreme doses of glutamine, well over the recommended dosage of about 1-5 grams per day, tends to produce only mild side-effects, such as intestinal discomfort or feeling bloated.


Click here to buy your own L-Carnitine
Most people’s goals in working out are to lose fat, build muscle, and improve their overall health. If that is your goal, too, then carnitine supplementation is a must.

There are a few different forms of carnitine: L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, and propional-L-carnitine. Each of these has a different specialized function within the body, though their functions often cross to varying levels of effectiveness. An important note about carnitine supplementation is that the absorption rates of each of the three forms of carnitine can be greatly affected by the sodium levels in the body.

In order to ensure that you are able to absorb the full dosage of carnitine, you must make sure that you are eating enough sodium.

Most people in developed nations have less of a problem with too little sodium and more of a problem with too much sodium, even when dieting. Because of this, most people will not have any problem ensuring that they have enough in their system, but it is good to note for those who are taking steps to minimize their sodium levels.

The most common supplemental form of carnitine is L-carnitine, which can be found in many pre-workout mixes as an endurance and energy-boosting compound that also helps with weight loss.

In the body-building and fitness communities, the reasons for L-carnitine supplementation focus on the benefits that supplementation has towards fat loss, energy production, appetite suppression, muscle building, and bone health.

L-carnitine is a substance naturally produced within the body through the synthesis of the amino acids lysine and methionine. It is used by the body to convert stored fat into energy. L-carnitine works by transporting long-chain fatty acids into the cellular mitochondria so that they can be used to produce energy for the cells, and also to transport out toxins from the cells so that the toxic compounds do not build up within the cells.

By increasing the L-carnitine levels in your body, you can improve the transport of energy and the removal of toxins, which can improve your endurance, strength, well-being, and overall health, including appearance and cognitive functioning.

As mitochondrial function decline is one of the contributing factors of aging, L-carnitine supplementation can literally make your body feel younger and more powerful. It can also prevent the onset of age-related diseases such as Alzeheimer’s disease, age-related cognitive decline, or age-related chronic fatigue syndrome. Furthermore, carnitine acts as an antioxidant within the body, neutralizing free radicals and preventing the cellular and DNA damage that they can cause.

Carnitine supplementation is also used in the treatment of various conditions, including heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, Alhzheimer’s disease, age-related cognitive impairment, kidney disease, male infertility, erectile dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, chronic fatigue, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leg ulcers, Lyme disease, and congestive heart failure.

Those who are dieting, and especially those who are limiting the consumption of red meat or dairy products as part of their diet, are encouraged to supplement L-carnitine. Studies have indicated a protective element to L-carnitine supplementation as well in recent years, with L-carnitine supplementation being directly linked to the reduction of the muscle tissue damage and loss caused by medications for and symptoms of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, and chemotherapy treatment.

Certain medications, such as isotretinoin (a medication for the treatment of severe acne), can cause a drop in the body’s levels of L-carnitine. The negative side-effects of this and other medications can be reduced greatly with the addition of an L-carnitine supplement regimen.

Acetyl-L-carnitine, which the body can produce from L-carnitine but which can also be supplemented directly, is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other brain conditions by itself, and can be combined with other drugs in the treatment of dementia. Acetyle-L-carnitine can sometimes be supplemented as a nootropic to improve the mental acuity and cognitive abilities of the subject. It is often used as a supplement in younger people for its neuroprotective benefits.

This means that Acetyl-L-carnitine can actively protect the brain from conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and age-related cognitive decline. It can delay or even prevent their onset, especially in those at risk for these types of conditions.

Acetyl-L-carnitine also supports the release of nerve growth factor in the body, which can induce the regeneration of damaged nerve cells. This can reduce the pain caused by conditions such as diabetes, HIV, celiac disease, lubus, vasculitis, certain cancers, and the side-effects of certain medication. Acetyl-L-carnitine has shown promise in the treatment of hyperthyroidism as well, though the research into how effective it is at treating the condition is still incomplete.

Previous colloquial stories indicated that Acetyl-L-carnitine may have a negative effect on those with epilepsy or other seizure conditions, but research has proven those testimonies to be false.

Those with epilepsy or other seizure conditions are actually encouraged to supplement carnitine (in all its forms) as their medications can often drain the body of carnitine, leading to carnitine deficiency. The last form of supplemental carnitine is Propionyl-L-carnitine, often supplemented in the form of glycine propionyl-l-carnitine, or GPLC.


Click here to buy your own GPLC

Propionyl-L-carnitine is also produced in the body from carnitine, but direct supplementation is often used in the treatment of heart disease and vascular disease. Therefore, if part of your goal is to improve heart and cardiovascular health, you may seek to supplement Propionyl-L-carnitine directly to ensure your body maintains optimal levels. Propionyl-L-carnitine is also used in the treatment of conditions such as poor blood circulation, congestive heart failure, erectile dysfunction, low testosterone levels, chronic fatigue syndrome, and heart-related chest pain.

Recent studies into glycine propionyl-l-carnitine (GPLC) have shown amazing results in the reduction of blood lactate levels during intense workouts. A double-blind study at Florida Atlantic University found a 16.2% reduction in the blood lactate levels after a group of subjects took GPLC before a workout. Reducing blood lactate levels will reduce muscle tension, reduce muscle damage from workouts, and improve recovery of muscles after a workout. Furthermore, similar studies have shown some impressive results in GPLC supplementation in regards to improving the anaerobic threshold, maintaining the levels of carnitine within the muscles, and improving the production of nitric oxide.

The anaerobic threshold is the point at which the body can no longer clear lactic acid faster than it is being built up. Lactic acid is responsible for much of the muscle fatigue and pain caused during a workout. An improvement, even a marginal improvement, in the anaerobic threshold can greatly improve the consistency, effectiveness, energy, and recovery times of your workouts.

Improving the nitric oxide production within the body is also an important find, as nitric oxide is imperative in the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles during and after workouts. This can further improve the effectiveness of both your workouts and your recovery, which can greatly improve your results both immediately and in the long run.

GPLC has also shown to act as an antioxidant within the body, reducing cellular and DNA damage within the body by combating free radicals within the cells. These combined benefits make GPLC a true powerhouse in the supplement world, and earn it a position on this list.

Arginine is another one of the 22 amino acids used in the body to synthesize proteins. Arginine is used in the treatment of heart and blood vessel conditions, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, senile dementia, erectile dysfunction, improving kidney function, improving athletic function, and boosting the immune system. Arginine also improves blood flow and nitric oxide levels in the body, which can greatly improve the quality of your workout and your life. The daily recommended dose of arginine is around 17.5 grams per pound of body weight.


Click here to order your own L-Citrulline

The major benefit of citrulline supplementation is to improve the arginine levels in the body. The kidneys convert L-citrulline into arginine, which allows for a slow, steady release of arginine into the bloodstream, as opposed to the short-term spiking effect provided with direct arginine supplementation.

Supplementing both citrulline and arginine directly provides the body with a quick boost of energy that tapers off gently, rather than leading to a full-blown crash. Citrulline has also showed promise as a sports performance-enhancing supplement, with evidence suggesting a direct benefit to nitric oxide levels. This helps improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure, reduce fatigue levels, improve endurance in aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and enhance cardiovascular health.

Citrulline supplementation also increases ornithine in the body, which helps to reduce ammonia concentration in the blood. This allows for longer, more efficient, and quicker-healing exercises.

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