Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Health Benefits of BRIZIL NUTS

Bertholletia excelsa,  the scientific name for Brazil nuts are a nutrient-dense and delicious type of nut that comes from the Brazil nut tree in South America. The tree is actually native to South American countries such as Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela, and are often found along the banks of major rivers. Botanically, brazil-nut tree belongs within the family of Lecythidaceae, in the genus Bertholletia. The genus is named after the French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet.  It’s quite a large tree, so the harvest of Brazil nuts is very large. It is a major exported nut from the South American continent, and can now be found throughout the world. Its lifespan is about 500 to 700 years. Brazil Nut, Brazil nuts Tree, Butternut, Cream nut, and Para Nut are a few of the common names of Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts can either be eaten in whole form or their essential oil can be extracted and used for more direct remedies.

The hard-walled fruits are spherical pods, 3.9 to 5.9 inches in diameter, that resemble large coconuts hanging at the ends of the tree’s thick branches. A typical 6-inch pod can weigh up to 5 pounds and consists of 12 to 24 nuts, or seeds, which are arranged like the sections of an orange. A mature tree will produce more than 300 pods, which ripen and fall to the ground from January to June. The pods are harvested from the forest floor, and the seeds are taken out, dried in the sun, and then washed and exported while still in their shells. The brown shell is very hard and has three sides. Pods are normally dark brown colored and rinds are hard, woody shell 8 to 12 millimeters thick.

Spherical pods of Brazil nuts consist of about 8 to24, 3-angled seeds (nut) 3.5 to 5 centermiters by 2.5 to1.8 cm. They are usually dark brown in color and the skin of the nuts is woody, thick, indurate and rugose that covers pale brownish-white flesh that are extremely delightful and delicious. The Nuts have a sweet nutty flavor and have a delicate buttery taste and weigh about 5 grams. They are either eaten in whole form or their essential oil can be extracted and used for more direct remedies. It is important to consume shelled Brazil nuts rapidly, as the high content of fat makes these nut varieties go badly quite quickly. The extracted oil, however, can remain viable for months when properly extracted and used for many of the following health benefits of Brazil nuts.
Click here to buy your own Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts scientifically known as Bertholletia excelsa is indigenous to tropical Amazonia  such as French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, and Amazonian Colombia. It forms large forests on the banks of the Amazons and Rio Negro, and similarly about Esmeraldas, on the Orinoco. It is most predominant in the Brazilian states of Marahao, Mato Grosso, Acre, Para, Rondonia, and the Amazonas. Brazil nuts are harvested almost entirely from wild trees. Brazil nuts have been harvested from plantations but production is low and it is currently not economically practical. Nowadays it can be found throughout the world due to its remarkable nutritional Value.

Apart from their sweet nutty flavor and delicate buttery taste, Brazil nut is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 133 grams of Brazil nut offers 2549.6 µg of Selenium, 2.318 mg of Copper, 89.24 g of Total Fat, 964 mg of Phosphorus, 500 mg of Magnesium, 1.627 mg of Manganese, 0.821 mg of Vitamin B1 and 7.51 mg of Vitamin E. Moreover, brazil nuts contain  many Amino acids.  0.18 g of Tryptophan, 0.485 g of Threonine, 0.689 g of Isoleucine, 1.583 g of Leucine, and  0.652 g of Lysine.
Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts . . .

The nutrients, vitamins and minerals found in Brazil nuts make them a nutritional powerhouse capable of helping you protect your body from serious disease. These nuts are a good source of protein and contain several amino acids with important functions. Listed below are some of the popular health benefits of Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts are on the list of cancer-fighting foods due to their high ellagic acid and selenium levels. Ellagic acid is also ant mutagenic and anticancer.

Apart from that selenium, an essential biological trace element has been shown to reduce and prevent the occurrence of cancer. A five-year, randomized nutritional research study took place in China where esophageal cancer rates are extremely high and selenium intake is low. The results found highly significant inverse associations of serum selenium levels with the incidence of esophageal cancer.

Brazil nuts consist of high content of healthy unsaturated fats, also known as “good” forms of cholesterol or omega-3 fatty acids. This includes oleic acid and palmitoleic acid. These unsaturated fats have been connected with balancing the cholesterol profile of the body and improving general heart health, mostly by removing dangerous omega-6 fatty acids from the body as well as cardiovascular system. Cholesterol balance helps to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. However, Brazil nuts consist the highest content of dangerous saturated fats, so be careful not to overdue, as Brazil nuts are also high in calories. Six average-sized nuts is in fact the suggested serving size for this beneficial snack.

Though this falls under the category of “skin health”, the high zinc content in Brazil nuts has been shown to protect against acne or lessen its appearance. This can be achieved through normal consumption of the nuts or by application of Brazil nut oil on the affected area. The rich vitamin and antioxidant content of the oil is actually the main cause behind this protective quality.

Click here to order your own Brazil Nuts
Selenium which is found in considerable amounts in Brazil nuts plays a major role in the proper functioning of your thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is where some of the most essential hormones in the body are produced, distributed, and regulated from. By ensuring proper functioning of your thyroid gland (and the production of thyroid itself) the high concentration of selenium will ensure that your bodily processes are maintained and your metabolism remains strong.

Brazil nuts have a high fiber concentration and overall nutrient density which makes it quite filling.  This means that you are less inclined to snack incessantly and tack on those extra calories with unhealthy snacks. However, one ounce of Brazil nuts consists of nearly 200 calories, so be careful about your intake, but moderate consumption can really boost weight loss efforts.

Brazil nuts consists of high magnesium levels  which help to encourage efficient nutrient uptake in the digestive system, which means that we get as many benefits as possible from our food. Zinc is also one of the hardest elements to intake through food, and Brazil nuts natural high levels and facilitation of nutrient uptake helps to balance that common deficiency.

Brazil nuts contain a large amount of fiber which makes them great for tuning up your digestive system. Fiber enables peristaltic motion in the gastrointestinal system, moving food through the body and extracting as many nutrients as possible. This can help you prevent gastric ulcers, constipation, bloating, cramps, and other serious conditions like colon cancer. This can also increase energy levels and improve weight loss by keeping your system clean and running efficiently.

Wrinkles are caused due to exposure to the sun and with the advancement of age. Since Brazil nuts are loaded with antioxidants, it helps to reduce the occurrence of wrinkles significantly. Apart from that vitamins E found in Brazil nuts help to increase skin collagen, resulting in a smoother complexion. Oil extracted from these nuts can be directly applied on the skin once or twice a day. This will not only smooth out minor infections, but also add a healthy shine to your complexion.

As mentioned before Brazil nuts consist of high concentration of nutrients and minerals that are helpful for the immune system. Apart from that antioxidants and organic compounds present in this unassuming nut makes it a strong contender for one of the most immune-boosting nuts around. Vitamin C pairs wonderfully along with selenium and zinc to encourage the production of white blood cells and encouraging antioxidant compounds throughout the body to neutralize free radicals, thus preventing many chronic illnesses like cancer and coronary heart disease.

Important vitamins and nutrients contained in Brazil nuts make it wonderful for protecting skin health. Selenium present in Brazil nuts is often the most appreciated aspect of this nut and is great for giving the skin a healthy glow and improves the elasticity of the skin, thus preventing premature aging. It is because selenium stimulates the activity of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant compound that can remove free radicals from the skin cells that cause wrinkles and even skin cancer.
Click here to buy your own Brazil Nuts
Many of us forget about the importance of protein in our diet, mainly when we are on a restricted diet or are a vegetarian. Protein is also an essential part of health, mainly because it is necessary for muscle growth, energy, cellular growth, repair, and wound healing. Brazil nuts are actually a major source of protein, comparatively speaking, so they can be a helpful boost to keep your protein levels up! Vitamin C is also a major component of collagen, another essential part of human growth and repair of blood vessels, tissues, and cells.

How to Eat

Brazil nut kernel is consumed fresh or roasted as a snack, dessert nut and is used in confectionery and as food by the locals in its native range and as edible cooking oil.

Oil can also be used for salad dressing. Indigenous tribes eat the nuts raw or grate them and mix them into gruels.  Nuts are grated with the thorny stilt roots of Socratea palms into a white mush known as leite de castanha and then stirred into manioc flour in the Brazilian Amazon.

Residue of oil extraction gives high protein flour that can be mixed with common bread flour or used in animal feeding.

  •     Due to its rich taste, Brazil nuts can often substitute for macadamia nuts or even coconuts in food  recipes.
  •     Brazil nuts can be eaten all alone. Additionally, they can also be enjoyed roasted, salted, or sweetened.
  •     They are also used in fudge, puddings, pesto, chocolates-bars and crunchy-bar preparations.
  •     Coarsely ground Brazil nuts can be sprinkled over fruit or vegetable salads.
  •     They are also used in desserts, particularly in fruitcakes.
  •     They can also be added to soup as well as meat and vegetable dishes.
  •     Brazil nut oil is used in salad dressing and in cooking.
  •     Brazil nut pieces also add a nice crunch to salads.
  •     Brazil nut milk is an extremely nutritious and tasty alternative to almond, soy or regular dairy milk.

Other Traditional Uses and benefits of Brazil Nuts.

Woody husks of Brazil seed pods are used in Brazilian folk medicine to brew into tea to treat stomach   aches.

The Tree bark is brewed into tea to treat liver ailments.

Brazil nut oil is used as an emollient.

Other Facts.

 Indigenous people in the Amazon basin used the empty fruit shell, to carry around small smoky fires to discourage attacks of black flies, as cups to collect rubber latex from tapped trees, and as drinking cups.

  • The Fruit shell is also used for the production of handicrafts.
  •  Brazil nut oil is used as cooking oil by the rural people and lamp oil.
  •  Brazil nut Oil is used in the cosmetic industry as a cosmetic ingredient in soaps, shampoos,  hair conditioning, damaged hair repair products and skin care products such as creams, lotions and ointments.
  •  Brazil nut oil is also used as a lubricant in clocks, and for making artists’ paints.
  •  Brazil nut is used as insect repellent and livestock feed.
  • The tree also provides an excellent, high quality timber
  • Research showed that Brazil nut shells may be useful as an adsorbent for either basic or acid dyes such as methylene blue and indigo carmine respectively.
  • Brazil nut’s shell is often pulverized and used as an abrasive to polish materials such as metals and even ceramics.

Excess consumption of these nuts may result in selenium toxicity and may cause diarrhea, a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, brittle nails, hair loss, coughing and more.

Brazil nut Storage.

Brazil nuts can be stored in a cool, dry place like a pantry for up to one month. For longer-term storage, keep them in the refrigerator for up to 9 months, or transfer them to the freezer where they can be kept for up to a year. When freezing Brazil nuts, the original package should be placed inside a re-sealable freezer bag.
This concludes the Health Secrets and Food cures video on . . . Brazil Nuts for better health.   Links to where you can buy your own Brazil Nuts are available in the discription box below . . . Thank you for visiting the Health Secrets and food cures channel.  And, please subscribe.

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